Monday, December 5, 2011
Deaf Community and Cochlear Implants- new book!

Divided into four sections, Cochlear Implants: Evolving Perspectives first focuses on the impact of implants in the Deaf community. Chapters in this section examine the issues driving the cochlear implant debate, the ethics of genetic engineering, experiences of implanted adult deaf signers, reflections of deaf mothers who have had their children implanted, and the effects of implants on deaf identity. The second section delves into the mechanics of bimodal processing, including listening strategies that can benefit signing children with cochlear implants. The third section surveys combined aural/visual educational approaches, such as teaching implanted children in an ASL/English bilingual classroom, and applying auditory rehabilitation to a signed communication context.
The final section challenges readers to reframe the debate first by exploring sensory politics, then by envisioning an emerging world that requires the Deaf community to connect with it to secure its future. With this information, readers will reach their own conclusions about cochlear implants and auditory and visual approaches to the mastery of both spoken and signed languages.
Click here to read the table of contents, the list of contributors and a sample chapter for free:
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Deaf Families with Cochlear Implants Study
What is the purpose of the study?
There are few studies from deaf families’ perspectives on deaf children with cochlear implants. The purpose of the study is to explore deaf families’ beliefs, perspectives and attitudes about language development in ASL and English. This brings a unique aspect to the research field in gaining an understanding how deaf children with cochlear implant who have deaf parents develop spoken and signed languages. This study also may help improve educational practices with deaf children with cochlear implants.
Who may participate in the study?
Deaf families in North America who have children with cochlear implants are encouraged to participate in the study. At least one parent or a caregiver who is deaf in the family is eligible to participate. Their language use may range from being fully oral to being bilingual in American Sign Language and English.
For more information contact
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Good Educational Resource