Sunday, March 28, 2010

Impact of CIs on sign language interpreters

I am forwarding a request from a interpreting student for his assignment. Could you help answer his questions below?


I'm a first year student at the Hogeschool Utrecht, The Netherlands, where I study to become a sign language interpreter.
For an assignment I'm trying to find out what kind of impact the rising number of CI users will have on sign language interpreters.

I'm very curious to know what we, as future sign language interpreters, have to keep in mind when interpreting for children with a CI.
Unfortunatly it's very hard to find information about this subject. I was hoping maybe you will be able to help me with a few questions.

-Do children with a CI have different needs when it comes to interpreting and what aspects should interpreters pay extra attention to?
-What kind of interpreting is preferred for children with a CI? ASL, Manually Coded English or other?
-Do you believe children with a CI will be in need of a interpreter (sometimes) as they grow up?

I apologise if I made language errors, English isn't my native language. I hope you will be able to give me some information, or maybe you'd like to share some stories.

Kind regards,

Marrit Slemmer


Anonymous said...

I think as with children without CIs, the needs depend on the individual child. Children with CIs may be more oral, but it's important to remember that they still may miss out on tones, or specific sounds in the room. I think most Deaf people prefer ASL, regardless of CIs or not. It is a true language, while Manually Coded English is a system that represents English.
Yes, I believe many children with CIs will still need interpreters. They still have a hearing loss, and even with the help of CIs, they cannot always hear everything 100%.

Dianrez said...

Like in captioning, interpreting the sounds that occur in the context is appreciated.

Drumming fingers, derisive snorts and spontaneous clapping gives the deaf listener a sense of how a lecture is going over in the audience. So is interpreting the undertone of the speaker's voice.

Even when the deaf listener has a CI, it would still be important for these sounds to be interpreted so he has a sense of being connected to the spirit of what is going on around him. He might not be able to identify the sound otherwise.

Starrynight said...

A lot of ASL interpreters have asked the same questions at schools. Some of them felt that some of the students with CI didn't need them when they weren't even looking at them since they could hear teachers. Should they continue to sign while the students aren't watching them? Should the interpreters just sit there and sign only if the students need them when they couldn't hear clearly?

I heard that CART services have been increasing at NTID and RIT for students with CI as a lot of them don't use ASL.

I think older students with CI could help answer those questions by sharing thier experiences.

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Nice blog

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