Friday, March 21, 2008

Call for ASL-CI B/Vloggers!

This is a call for all ASL-CI people for your contributions to this site.  We accept typed blogs and ASL vlogs.  Send them in to:

We look forward to meeting you and sharing your work.  If you have a CI and use ASL, and you are interested in blogging or vlogging regularly, please create a e-mail address, email us, and we'll add you to the list for this site so you can enter and post whenever you want to!  Parents of ASL-CI children are welcome to join as well!  

Create any type of username for yourself... for example:

Do not worry, we will not reveal your identity.  It is your decision if/when you want to reveal your identity.

The purpose of this is to have a 'virtual' center for bimodal (visual/auditory), bilingual (ASL/English) cochlear implanted people to show the world that they are Deaf, part of the Deaf community, and support bimodal bilingualism! 

If you do not feel ready to blog or vlog yet, feel do free to help out with the comments section.  If someone asks questions about our experience and CI's in general, do feel free to comment, answering their questions.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes! But as for me, I am not ready yet and will limit myself to commenting.

Where art thou, fellow aslci'ers? Ready to vlog n' roll?